Sciatica, is common and relatively simple to resolve in the hands of Musculoskeletal experts. Characterised by pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the leg or foot, is a common concern among patients seeking treatment. However, understanding and effectively addressing Sciatica requires a thorough ability to palpate and diagnose correctly - identifying its underlying cause. Headache & Tendon Clinic in Christchurch are experts in Back and Sciatic Leg pain with meticulous analysis and examination and advanced protocols to match - the clinic has a reputation for premium comprehensive treatments that rapidly clear pain conditions.
Sciatica itself is not a singular condition but rather a set of symptoms, indicating that a part of the sciatic nerve is under pressure. These symptoms can vary widely, from occasional tingling or numbness to severe, persistent pain or electric shock sensations that impact daily life. In some cases, the symptoms progress to complete numbness or weakness in the leg, or even difficulty lifting the foot while walking. Interestingly, the intensity of the pain does not always correlate with the severity of the underlying issue; a seemingly minor back strain can cause severe pain that resolves quickly, while a persistent nagging discomfort may indicate a more complex problem.

The Sciatic nerve resembles an inverted tree with multiple roots originating from different levels of the lumbar spine. These roots converge into a single trunk that extends down the leg, branching out to various areas. Pressure on any part of this nerve—whether at the root, trunk, or branches—can manifest differently in terms of symptoms.
Understanding the specific pattern of symptoms experienced by each patient is crucial in determining the cause and taking an effective treatment approach.
The pressure on the sciatic nerve can stem from various sources. It may result from spinal canal issues, such as rare occurrences of constriction, or from spinal joints due to wear and tear. Additionally, narrowed exit points where the nerve roots leave the spinal canal can contribute to compression. Soft tissue swelling from a moderate back or pelvic strain can also exacerbate sciatic symptoms, as can issues like herniated or prolapsed discs—commonly referred to as 'slipped discs'.
In some cases, muscular compression around the buttocks due to sports injuries, pelvic imbalances, or hip arthritis can also affect the sciatic nerve. Problems in the knee area may further contribute by putting pressure on smaller branches of the nerve.
At Headache & Tendon Christchurch Clinic, each patient undergoes a thorough assessment that includes a detailed history and physical examination. This evaluation helps determine factors such as the onset of symptoms, exacerbating and alleviating factors, and posture abnormalities. Specific tests may be conducted to assess for conditions like disc herniation or prolapse. Based on this assessment, a personalized treatment or management plan is collaboratively developed with the patient.
Treatment approaches range from conservative management—such as home exercises and Sports Chiropractic, Neuromuscular therapy, 4wavelenth Class4 Orthotech, or in severe cases to potential referrals for diagnostic imaging like x-rays or MRI scans. Referrals to specialists or surgeons would be considered only in unusual cases if conservative measures are deemed insufficient or if further investigation is warranted.
Our Sports Chiropractic team at Headache & Tendon Christchurch Clinic are highly skilled in accurately diagnosing the underlying causes of sciatic symptoms. Collaborating closely if necessary with other healthcare professionals, to ensure comprehensive and effective management of sciatica.
Choosing to address the root cause of Sciatica rather than simply managing symptoms will most often lead to lasting relief. If you are looking for Sciatica treatment in Christchurch, Headache & Tendon Christchurch Clinic, have the best range of expert protocols available - our commitment lies in providing personalised Musculoskeletal expert care that targets the source of your pain, bringing faster optimal recovery.