Chiropractic is a healthcare profession focused on the non-surgical treatment of disorders affecting the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Chiropractors typically specialise in spinal manipulation, pain conditions, injury conditions, soft tissue balance and addressing related structures.
Research has shown that manual therapies frequently used by Chiropractors are effective for managing lower back pain, lumbar herniated disc radiculopathy, neck pain, leg pain , frozen shoulder and in fact most other pain conditions.
For patients with non-specific chronic lower back pain, long-term outcomes improve when maintenance spinal manipulation follows the initial intensive therapy.
Chiropractic care typically centers on manual therapy to treat common pain conditions:
Spinal Manipulation and Manual Manipulation Spinal manipulation involves a short lever thrust meticulously applied to abnormal vertebrae or other joints of the body. This technique aims to improve functionality, reduce nerve irritation, and restore range of motion. This procedure is commonly referred to as a "chiropractic adjustment."Strong evidence supports chiropractic bio-mechanics for treating chronic pain conditions. Many clinical guidelines recommend including chiropractic care early in the treatment of pain.
Mobilisation Mobilisation refers to low-velocity manipulation, including movement and stretching of muscles and joints, to enhance range of motion.
Chiropractic Treatment Plan
Chiropractic treatment plans are customised based on the patient's pain levels, disability, and activity limitations.
A key objective across all guidelines for pain treatment is bio-mechanical balanced alignment from which pain resolves when structure is balanced preventing conditions from returning or reforming to chronic pain. Emphasising active care—such as patient-led exercise, activity modification, and ergonomic adjustments—helps achieve this goal.
For services of Sports Chiropractor Christchurch and Sports Chiropractor Rangiora you will find links to these for online bookings on the website.